How to Sell on TikTok without Dancing

Every social network, regardless of its purpose, is a breeding ground for business opportunities.

Your financial sense tells you: Tik Tok is a spectacular showcase to increase the visibility of your brand.

Although the dance challenges and catchy choreographies initially made each of its contents go viral, the truth is that it has become a propitious space for the dissemination of very useful content for companies.

Therefore, take note of how to sell a product on Tik Tok without having to move your body.

If you don’t have a presence on this social network, there’s a good reason for you to do so: its growth is so fast that it is already used by more than 1 billion users monthly, most of them young people who probably feel an affinity for the products and services you sell.

How to sell a product on TikTok? The Social Network that changed the Way of making Digital Content

If you want to learn how to sell your products, you should know that TikTok’s main selling point for positioning itself as one of the most used platforms in the world is the “digestible” aspect of its content.

The short video format quickly catches people’s attention, so they share it with family and friends and make the content go viral.

These short videos are a hit on social media, and TikTok presents them in a loop, making them even more to watch and repeat. 

TikTok is intended to move the skeletons of young people, old people, and grandparents and shake up the old content models of the most traditional social networks.

Users will greatly benefit from the possibility of editing videos with a wide range of filter options, music, and audio from films and celebrities.

The Statistics Speak: TikTok is a Gold Mine

Without going too far into metrics and statistical analysis, it is a known and tangible fact that social networks such as the giant YouTube and the popular Instagram, with thousands of followers and a long history in the online market, have felt shaken by the social network of the musical note icon.

But when it comes to numbers, in January 2022, according to Hootsuite, TikTok had 29.7 million daily active users worldwide who spend an average of 19.6 hours a month on it. In addition, this successful app ranks sixth on the list of the most used social media platforms internationally.

We are talking about a social network that has surpassed Instagram, and the entrepreneurs of Meta know this. That is why they have literally copied some functions in their reels. The engagement achieved with TikTok is no secret to anyone. 

Anyway, let’s look at how to sell a product on TikTok.

The First Step we Must take to Create a Business Account on TikTok

Creating a business account on TikTok is very simple. You just have to follow these 5 steps:

  1. First, you must enter the app and create a personal account.
  2. Log in to your personal account and locate the “Edit profile” option. Next, select the “Settings and privacy” button and then the “Manage account” bar.
  3. Select the “Switch to business account” option.
  4. Choose the category options that most closely match your business’s industry. For example, if you sell beauty products and cosmetics, you would select “Beauty.”
  5. Fill out your profile information completely (this will make your visitors more trustworthy). Set an attractive profile photo, provide your email address and your company address.

One of the benefits of having a business account is that you’ll be able to gain insights into the performance of your posts and get guidance through TikTok’s Creative Business Center.

Use them all! 12 Strategies to Start Selling on TikTok

You may have already applied some of these strategies on how to sell online on a social network like Instagram or Facebook. Others are specific to TikTok. The important thing is that you know all the possibilities in this guide: 

Spend time inside the app

First things first, to create a content strategy you must become familiar with everything about this social network, what its content is like, what music is trending, what kind of posts your competition makes, what your target audience consumes. Take your time to familiarize yourself.

Don’t “refresh” content: be original with yourself

We know that you may sometimes be tempted to republish content that works for other social networks, such as Instagram reels or YouTube shorts.

However, you must take into account that this is a social network with many peculiarities that require a lot of creativity and humor to present content in an original way that generates a positive impact on your future clients.

Plan your posts and organize them in a content calendar

Once you’ve become familiar with this social network, you’ve surely gotten a lot of inspiration to create original content tailored to your business.

All this is useless if you leave it in the world of ideas, so sit down in front of your computer and design a content calendar in which you distribute the number of posts, the hours and the frequency with which you will be part of TikTok’s virality.

Add links from your bio and posts

This feature has been available in the app since 2019, which is a major step towards monetization. You can put a link in your bio or profile description available to your followers in order to direct traffic to where you see fit: your website, your e-commerce platform, or other social networks. You can also paste the link in some of your posts.

So, use tags with links to your online store, especially if you are promoting or mentioning a product in your videos.

All content is governed by SEO: apply it to TikTok

Optimize your content to achieve SEO positioning. You can do this by using hashtags and keywords in your video copy. Always be consistent with the descriptions and tags you use to accompany your videos so that your reputation remains high and the algorithm works in your favor.

Set up automatic responses

TikTok offers this basic option for quick responses, which can help you provide better-quality customer service. Within your “business center,” go to the “welcome message” option.

Design a message for when your users make that first contact. Use a fresh and friendly tone consistent with your brand profile.

You can also set up answers to your followers’ frequently asked questions, such as the price of your products or services.

If we are wondering how to sell online, then it is because we have not thoroughly applied the automated responses offered by some social networks. A timely response is key to prevent the customer from going to your competition.

Implement sales strategies in your content

There are endless possibilities when it comes to selling online. The limit is your creativity, some ideas that can be useful for your TikTok content:

  • You showcase your products in videos with a touch of humor.
  • Offers discounts.
  • Launch temporary promotions to create a sense of urgency. 
  • Create unboxing videos of new products.
  • Share tutorials on how to use your products.
  • How to sell a product: Create a store

Yes! This option is available on TikTok and is one of the most obvious answers to selling on this social network. From the same app, you can present your products in a catalogue and add purchase tags to your live videos. It is the ideal place to manage your purchases without your customers having to leave the social network to go to any external link.

This is how you can create it:

  1. Go to the Seller Center and register on TikTok Shop, filling out all the requested information (personal and store information, as well as verification documentation associated with the company). 
  2. Wait for TikTok to review your request as a preliminary step to verify your account.
  3. Set up your store profile: Once you have verified your store profile, go to the Seller Center and detail everything related to the product listing in your catalog, promotions, and adding users.
  4. Create ads on TikTok

TikTok has continued to expand all the functions that any self-respecting e-commerce must have, so it is possible to generate advertising from the app itself with its own advertising platform and in this way increase conversions. 

You can create ads with these types of formats, being able to segment your audience according to their age, gender, location, etc. It is important that you try to promote unique content, do not fall into clichés or dances that affect the reputation of your brand. 

1. Sell ​​on TikTok with Shopify

Another alternative to selling on TikTok is through Shopify. The prerequisite is to have users on both platforms.

From Shopify you need to upload a product or service catalog and then go to the features tab, where “TikTok Ads Manager” appears.

One advantage of this method of selling is that you can generate ads for your products, tag them, and find your target audience.

The disadvantage is that Shopify does not have a free version and you have to pay for monthly plans.

2. Partner with Influencers in your niche to Create Content

You can open yourself up to the possibility of collaborating with influencers in your niche to create videos promoting your brand. This is a good way to answer that concern of how to sell quickly.

You would simply be leveraging your brand’s sales with someone who already has a good number of followers.

If it is someone young, it will help you connect with the public of that age and show that your product or service is related to them. It could be called an ” influencer marketing campaign ” for which you will have to pay.

3. Analyze the Statistics

Every good strategy takes into account metrics to evaluate the effectiveness or not of its content, which is what you have planned in your calendar. Not doing so is like going in blind. 

To view statistics, go to the main menu and locate the “business center” option, then the “statistics” item. There you can see, among other data, the number of visits to your profile, geolocation (from which countries it is viewed), and which are the most popular videos and the number of times they were played.

The numbers serve to refocus your strategy and give weight to the content most consumed and accepted by your audience.

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